Personal Branding

Personal Branding

SEMINAR  3 hrs / 2 sessions 1.5 hr each
WHEN  Mo, Tu, Wed, Thr
PRICE $300, early bird $280 (small groups)
TIME 11:00am – 1:00pm
Instructor  Dor Lata, On Camera Image Consulting.

Seminar & Speaking Engagement

Image consulting seminars and training for: Corporate leadership development efforts Professional groups and industry conferences.

Traditionally you might think about TV anchors, hosts, models …photo shootings – all this is correct but times have changed, now we all are basically living 24/7 with cameras on our phones, computer, and laptops, in the age of telework, video conferences, Skype meetings, Instagram TV and selfies. If you are a professional you need a camera-ready look to succeed in today’s professional world.
If you look great you feel great and perform better. Imagine you have an important meeting to attend, or you go for a job interview, what kind of boost you will get out of this confidence. You nail this important presentation, you get the promotion you deserve, you win that sales pitch.
We deliver consistent and sustainable images. On camera Image Consulting helps people look, feel and radiate the confidence necessary to drive success.

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