Wednesday, April 10th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Black thin marker
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
“People of all ages watch the brilliantly colored insects with awe and wonder at Butterflies in the Garden. What many don’t realize is that while we value butterflies for their beauty, they also play an important role in the ecosystem. Along with bees, birds and various other insects, they help flowering plants reproduce.
Birds and insects are critical pollinators; in fact, more than 80 percent of land plants are pollinated by animals such as butterflies. Pollen sticks to the bodies of pollinators when they feed on nectar, a sugary fluid produced by flowering plants to attract pollinators. Flowers benefit when they are visited by many pollinators, so they have evolved ways to attract birds and bees. The bright colors and showy petals of flowers serve as advertisements to pollinators promising rich nectar within.
Bees do most of the work of cross-pollination, but the contribution of birds and butterflies can’t be dismissed. In fact, scientists were recently surprised by how much butterflies contributed to the pollination of cotton fields in south Texas. In an article published in Science, researchers estimated butterflies contributed $120 million-worth of pollination to cotton farmers.
Butterfly populations are in decline across the world, primarily due to habitat loss, and not only cotton fields could suffer if species are lost. “Butterflies are important indicators of the health of the environment,” says O’Connell. “Healthy ecosystems with large native plant populations attract butterflies. You know something has gone very wrong in a location that butterflies avoid.” “Butterflies are also part of the food chain. Both caterpillars and butterflies are important food sources for many creatures, especially birds,” O’Connell continues. “And they have intrinsic value as part of the natural world.” —fwbg.org
POLLINATORS IN ACTION – Ladybugs and Aphids
Wednesday, April 3rd at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Ladybugs are a popular choice for gardeners looking for natural pest control solutions. These small, colorful insects are known for their voracious appetite for aphids, a common garden pest that can damage plants and crops.
While all ladybugs are beneficial for controlling garden pests, some species are more effective at controlling aphids than others. The two most commonly used species for aphid control are the Hippodamia convergens and the Coleomegilla maculata.
Hippodamia convergens, also known as the convergent lady beetle, is a small, red and black ladybug that is native to North America. This species is widely used for aphid control because of its large appetite and ability to reproduce quickly. Coleomegilla maculata, or the spotted lady beetle, is another popular choice for aphid control. This species is slightly larger than the convergent lady beetle and has a black body with two red spots on each wing cover. —https://plantnative.org/
POLLINATORS IN ACTION – The Birds, the Bees, and the Flowering Cherry Trees
Wednesday, March 27th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Natural reproductive systems are often described using the birds and bees analogy. In the case of cherry trees, birds plant the seeds but bees are required to pollinate the flowers that make the fruit and seeds. —https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate or small cups or plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
“When you stroll through National Mall and Memorial Parks, you witness an intricately cultivated ecosystem. Almost all the plants are bred, selected, planted, pruned, and culled for visual effect. Yet untamed natural processes still occur and several species of animals live and flourish in this city “garden.”
Pollinators play a role in the life of this cultivated garden. Each year the color and scent of the cherry blossoms attract a variety of birds and insects. They play an accidental, though essential, role in pollination. Both plants and animals are dependent on pollinators. Pollination is the process by which the plant pollen grains are transferred from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma, which produces seeds for the next generation. Honey bees, wasps, beetles, and other insects fly or crawl to flowers seeking and eating the protein rich pollen. They sponge pollen onto their lower legs, abdomen, and mouth parts. As they fly from flower to flower, the pollen is then transferred to different flowers in different areas. In doing this, pollinators increase the diversity of the landscape’s species.
Birds like northern cardinals and blue jays are attracted to the blossoms in the spring. When the birds eat the blossoms, excess pollen gathers on their beaks thus spreading a wealth of cherry pollen in and around the park. Birds also may trim excess blossoms which helps aid the tree in preventing disease. Although the park plants most of the cherry trees, birds help to maintain that cycle of life. Birds also eat some insects found on the trees providing a supply of protein while also protecting the cherry tree from harmful insects.
So, if we want to continue to enjoy colorful displays and cheerful sounds of spring, we should appreciate the hidden powers of all that comes with that transient beauty. The birds that might leave droppings on you car; the pollen that makes you sneeze; the insects that might deliver a painful sting are all an important part of this delicately cultivated national garden.” —https://www.nps.gov/articles/birds-and-cherry-blossom-trees.htm
POLLINATORS IN ACTION – Painting feathers of Birds Pollinators: Sunbirds, Honeyeaters and Hummingbirds
Wednesday, March 29th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate or small cups or plate for color mixing
- Crayons (optional)
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Practicing wet-on-wet brushstrokes.
Some of 1,089 species of birds have been recorded as effective pollinators, or about10 per cent of all bird species. Generally speaking , bird pollination is more common in regions where plant growth and flowering occur at all times of the year. In more seasonal regions, the bird pollinators are more likely to be migrant species. Birds can carry large loads of pollen a long way, thereby connecting dispersed plant populations or individuals. Birds are also less likely to be put off by bad weather in the way the bees are, and there is a good evidence that birds often feature as pollinators where insects fail to thrive or even exist, such as oceanic islands. —Timothy Walker, Princeton University Press
March 13th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes (large and small)
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate or small cups or plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Flowers that are rich in nectar and pollen offer the most food for these insects. Wildflowers are best because they usually have simple, single flowers that are easier for flying insects to access.
March 13th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes (large and small)
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate or small cups or plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Flowers that are rich in nectar and pollen offer the most food for these insects. Wildflowers are best because they usually have simple, single flowers that are easier for flying insects to access.
March 6th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note “ART WORKSHOP” in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art supplies:
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper (
- Piece of aluminum foil or glossy paper (~size of letter size paper)
- Two round brushes (large and small)
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Plate or small cups or plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
February 28th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Large brush
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Scissors and glue
- Plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
February 14th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
- Water-based paints
- Crayons (optional)
- Sturdy white paper
- Brush and 2 containers of water
- Paper towel
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Sunbirds and spiderhunters make up the family Nectariniidae of passerine birds. They are small, slender passerines from the Old World, usually with downward-curved bills. Many are brightly coloured, often with iridescent feathers, particularly in the males. Many species also have especially long tail feathers. Their range extends through most of Africa to the Middle East, South Asia, South-east Asia and southern China, to Indonesia, New Guinea and northern Australia. Species diversity is highest in equatorial regions.
There are 151 species in 16 genera. Most sunbirds feed largely on nectar, but will also eat insects and spiders, especially when feeding their young. Flowers that prevent access to their nectar because of their shape (for example, very long and narrow flowers) are simply punctured at the base near the nectaries, from which the birds sip the nectar. Fruit is also part of the diet of some species. Their flight is fast and direct, thanks to their short wings.
The sunbirds have counterparts in two very distantly related groups: the hummingbirds of the Americas and the honeyeaters of Australia. The resemblances are due to convergent evolution brought about by a similar nectar-feeding lifestyle. Some sunbird species can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird, but they usually perch to feed. —wikipedia
February 7th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
- Black wax crayon (or any dark color crayon)
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy white paper
- Brush and container of water
- Paper towel
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Many sunflowers can self pollinate, as pollen is spread by wind between florets in a single disc. However, insect pollination is more beneficial, especially in times of stress. Bees could increase self pollination rate, spreading it while crawling between florets on a single disc.
The plant was first domesticated in the Americas. Sunflower seeds were brought to Europe from the Americas in the 16th century, where, along with sunflower oil, they became a widespread cooking ingredient. With time, the bulk of industrial-scale production has shifted to Eastern Europe, and (2020) Russia and Ukraine together produce over half of worldwide seed production.
The plant has an erect rough-hairy stem, reaching typical heights of 10 feet. Sunflower leaves are broad, coarsely toothed, rough and mostly alternate; those near the bottom are largest and commonly heart-shaped.
The plant flowers in summer. What is often called the “flower” of the sunflower is actually a “flower head” 3–5 in wide, of numerous small individual five-petaled flowers (“florets”). The outer flowers, which resemble petals, are called ray flowers. Each “petal” consists of a ligule composed of fused petals of an asymmetrical ray flower. They are sexually sterile and may be yellow, red, orange, or other colors. The spirally arranged flowers in the center of the head are called disk flowers. These mature into fruit (sunflower “seeds”).
Wednesday, January 24th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Click HERE to watch some of our videos.
Paper wasps are considered pollinators because they feed on nectar and are often found around flowers, particularly goldenrod, woodlands, and fields. In addition to nectar, paper wasps will feed on other insects, such as aphids and scale insects. Paper wasp nests can be found in a variety of places in your home, including under furniture, in cracks and crevices in walls and ceilings, or in attics and crawl spaces.
Instructor: Bobbi Egan
- White paper 8 1/2” x 11” (letter size)
- Black Sharpie
- Yellow and orange markers or crayons
- Gray crayon/marker
- Pencil, eraser and straight edge (ruler)
- Also – for making background pattern – we will made a template using a business or index card. Any card stock weight paper will work.
- Scissors
POLLINATORS IN ACTION – Monarch Butterfly Greeting Card In-person Workshop – PHILIPSE MANOR HALL

Saturday, December 16, 2023
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM | FREE
Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site
29 Warburton Avenue Yonkers, NY 10701 (directions: click HERE)
Are you curious about pollinators? Interested in learning how to draw them? In this free, family-friendly workshop, we will create greeting cards for any occasion to share with your loved ones. Learn to draw the Monarch butterfly at each stage of its life, from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to metamorphosis into a butterfly, plus learn how to draw its host plant, the milkweed. All materials are provided.
Instructor Bio: Amanda Konishi is a freelance illustrator and painter, born in Orange County, CA and now living and working in New York. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2014 from the Illustration and Cartooning program with a Bachelor of Arts. Her illustration clients include Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, The New York Times, The Baffler, and Firewords Quarterly, amongst others.
See other art workshops at sitenf.org/online-art-class.
This workshop is part of Pollinators in Action, Empowering Community through Visual Art, which is sponsored by the Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site, ArtsWestchester, Westchester County Government with the support of County Executive George Latimer and Nowodworski Foundation.
November 18th at 2:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Instructor: Amanda Konishi
@amkonishi ~ @fruitnotanacorn
Materials: Paper, pen or pencil, and coloring materials (example: watercolor, colored pencil or crayon).
Description: In this workshop, we will focus on a common type of beetle found in many gardens and beyond, the weevil. There are many types of weevils worldwide, but this particular specimen is a common garden sight in North America.
Participants will discover their power to change the environment for the better, and while learning about insects and other pollinators, they will feel more connected to nature. A series of virtual and in-person art workshops will be provided in fall 2023 till June 2024.
November 4th at 2:00 PM — Live Zoom Art workshop
Flower flies (Syrphids) versus honeybees and wasps (mimicry)
Instructor: Amanda Konishi
Paper, pen or pencil, and coloring materials (example: watercolor, colored pencil or crayon)
Description: In this workshop, we will create line drawings of three flying look-alike’s in the insect kingdom: syrphids, honeybees and yellowjacket wasps. While many members of the syrphid family (including flowerflies/hoverflies) display color and pattern to mimic the appearance of stinging insects like bees and wasps, they are harmless.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
OUT OF HOME. Portraits of Nature at Lyon Park in Port Chester. 2023 Port Chester Day.
Space and coordination are provided by the Recreation Department of Port Chester Village.
—Jo Miles Schulman

Yonkers Art Adventures. Free Print Art Workshops. Saturday, August 26, 2023. Yonkers Dominican Festival.
Search for us: Main Street in Yonkers. A lot of fun for children, parents, and grandparents as well.
OUT OF HOME. Portraits of Nature at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library.
In-person art workshop series.
When: July 12, 19 and 26 at 11:00 AM
Where: Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library.
1 Haseco Ave, Port Chester, NY 10573
To register call: 914 939 6710 ext. 3
Yonkers Art Adventures. Capturing Anime Style – Wednesday 6/21/2023 @ 5:30 PM.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Pencil, eraser, and paper are needed to learn basic Anime drawing, a Japanese style of animation. This workshop will show how to map out a head, add hair and create “anime” eye forms. Once drawn, the anime can be colored in as desired.
Yonkers Art Adventures. Animals: Nine-tailed Fox – Wednesday, 5/24/2023 @ 5:30 pm on Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
The nine-tailed fox ( Chinese: 九尾狐; pinyin: jiǔwěihú) is a mythical fox entity originating from Chinese mythology that is a common motif in East Asian mythology and the most famous fox spirit in Chinese culture. In Chinese and East Asian folklore, foxes are depicted as spirits possessed of magic powers.
For the ANIMALS workshop, I chose a drawing of the nine-tailed fox, which is a powerful creature in Eastern lore. The drawings of insects relate to the legend of the nine-tailed fox in Chinese culture.
—Amanda Konishi
Art materials: pencil, ink, coloring materials optional
Yonkers Art Adventures. Colorful Fish – Wednesday, 5/17/2023 @ 5:30 pm in Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
This workshop is inspired by Lucy Cousins’ illustrations.
Art materials
- sturdy paper
- paints, brushes
- pencil
- newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Dance & Movement – Wednesday, 5/10/2023 @ 5:30 PM in Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art materials
- paper (a few pages)
- paints, brushes
- newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. “Exploring the Absurd: Personal Totem”. Wednesday, 5/3/23 @ 5:30 PM.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art supplies:
- Few pages of light paper
- Black Sharpie
- Pencil
- Crayons or colored pencils
- Tape or stapler
Yonkers Art Adventures. Nature’s Canvas – Abstract Landscape. Wednesday, 4/26/23 @5:30 PM.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art supplies
- Watercolor or water-based paints
- Brushes
- Letter size paper (a few pages)
- Container of water
- Newspaper or table cover (recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Self-Portrait Drawing. Wednesday, 4/19/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Learn the location of facial features, patterns, skin color, eye color, and types of hair. Select your favorite colors to fill in patterns. Can be finished later if time runs out. Very fun project!
- 8.5 x11 copy paper
- Black Sharpie
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Crayons
- or whatever you have on hand
Yonkers Art Adventures. Eggs-Pisanki – Resist Painting. Wednesday, 4/5/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
- Wax crayons (or oil pastels) in a variety of colors
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy white papers
- Brush
- Container of water
- Paper towel
- Pencil & scissors
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Painting Portraits. Wednesday, 3/29/2023 at 5:30 Pm. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art supplies
- Watercolor or water-based paints
- Brushes
- Letter size paper (a few pages)
- Container of water
- Markers, crayons, or pencil
- Newspaper or table cover (recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Fun with Envelopes. COLLAGE. Wednesday, 3/22/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list
Art Supplies:
- Few envelopes (new or old)
- Scrap papers, old newspapers, or magazine
- Washable markers or crayons
- Scissors
- Glue
- Optional: newspaper or table covering (recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Stencils.
Wednesday, 3/15/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list
Stencils have been used for centuries for decoration. You can choose from a huge range of ready-made stencils, or design and make your own.
Art materials
- Several (same size) pages of white paper
- Soft pencil
- Scissors
- Tape
- Paints
- Brush
- Optional: craft knife & cutting mat (for adults only!)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Painting Flowers. Wednesday, 3/8/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- White paper (few pages)
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Yonkers Art Adventures. Seeing Color. Painting. Wednesday, 3/1/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
The color mixing process feels like an experiment in a laboratory. Results are dramatic, immediate, and mostly predictable. However there’s always a place for a surprise, and it’s a part of the delight of painting — always a bit of magic!
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note ART WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Thousands of Tulips in Central Park, NYC. Wednesday, 2/22/2023 at 5:30 PM. Live Zoom Art workshop.
Each year in Central Park, thousands of tulips and daffodils mark the arrival of spring. The Tulip is a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family of flowering plants. They are perennial bulbous plants growing to 4–27 in. in height, with a small number of strap-shaped, waxy-textured, green leaves and large flowers with six petals. They are one of the most recognizable inhabitants of the Conservatory Garden and come in a wide variety of brilliant colors.
The word tulip, which earlier in English appeared in such forms as tulipa or tulipant, came to us by way of French tulipe and its obsolete form tulipan or by way of Modern Latin tulipa, from Ottoman Turkish tülbend, “muslin, gauze.” (The English word turban, first recorded in English in the 16th century, can also be traced to Ottoman Turkish tülbend. Who knew.)
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art materials:
- Paints
- Brushes
- Water containers
- White sturdy paper
- Paper towel
From Garden to Main Street – Perspective. Yonkers Art Adventures. Wednesday, 2/15/2023 at 5:30 PM. Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note “art workshop” in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art Materials
- Light paper (a few pages of any size)
- Pencils
- Optional: colored pencils
Depth and Perspective – Wednesday, 2/8/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art Materials
- Light paper (a few pages of any size)
- Pencil
- Optional: colored pencils
“True, you ought to be familiar with perspective and master the basic techniques. But the most important thing in sketching is not merely the technical approach. Even a computer can construct vanishing points.
Remember, perspective is not just a construct. Depth can be depicted in many ways. You can portray depth by making the background disappear in the haze. Overlapping things—having them cover one another—also created depth.
Even colors can be used to produce visual depth. The farther away an object is, the bluer it becomes.
The most important thing is that you develop a feel for depth. Don’t lose your confidence. Get going and develop a sense of perspective. Truly great illustrators count on intuition—not on technique and constructs!”
—Felix Scheinberger
TREE COLLAGE – Wednesday, 2/1/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
“The tree spreads its brunches and, as the years go by, its trunk gets bigger and bigger and the brunches more and more numerous. Every leaf at the top of the branches has a tube that goes through the trunk which keeps it in contact with the ground. It uses the tube to suck up its nourishment. The trunk is where all the tubes are grouped together, which is why it is larger than the other branches. As the branches grow higher they got slenderer and slenderer.” —Bruno Munari
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
Art Supplies
- Letter size print light papers (8.5 x 11”/few pages)
- Dark construction paper or any paper darker than print paper (newsprint is acceptable)
- Glue
- Optional: glue, tape, stapler
Pine Hollow Arboretum – Wednesday, 1/25/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
PINE HOLLOW ARBORETUM Located in Slingerlands, just south of Albany, this arboretum was transformed from a private home to the beautiful space it is today by a former owner of the property. The public is free to wander around the property on the extensive trail system, walking past countless trees from all over the world, many of which are labeled by species. You can choose from a number of trails and easily walk a circuit throughout the entire property, with a mix of woods and meadows to explore. Several ponds provide peaceful water scenes (although be mindful of mud in wetter seasons). There are various sections of the property dedicated to plants from various regions, from Europe to Asia to America.—newyorktrailheads.com
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Scroll down for the art supplies list.
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Paper Flowers with Ardina – Wednesday, 1/18/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
Toilet paper • Stapler or scotch tape, paper clips, rubber bands) • Scissors • Optional: Pastel chalk• The flower can be painted with acrylic paint, magic marker, or a very small amount of watercolor.
If you would like to make the flower more permanent, spray it with hair spray a couple of times. This will stiffen the paper and also make it better to paint.
Materials needed are:
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Black Sharpie
- Water-base markers and crayons
- White paint to create the dots applied with a q tip or end of a pencil
- 9×12 drawing paper or
- other white paper to color on (print paper)
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM.
GARDENS. Painting a Bamboo Grove. Wednesday, 01/11/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
PAINTING A BAMBOO GROVE In Japan’s Sagano Bamboo Forest, on the outskirts of Kyoto, towering green stalks of the famously versatile plant sway in the wind, creaking eerily as they collide and twist, leaves rustling. Scroll down for the supplies list.
Art Supplies:
- Brush
- Black ink or watercolor
- White papers
Winter Wonderland Scene. THURSDAY, 12/8/2022 @ 3:30 PM. LIVE ZOOM.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Thursday, December 8 at 3:30 PM. Sign up in person at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library or by phone at (914) 939-6710 ex. 3.
Participants will create drawings of winter landscapes using a crayon wax resist technique. Color mixing will be introduced with both crayons and paint, and the basic composition of landscape drawing will be explored.
Art Materials Needed:
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Light paper
- Large brush
- Container of water
- Paper towel
- Small plate for color mixing
- Newspaper or table covering recommended
Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, Cape Town, South Africa – Wednesday, 11/30/2022 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden is considered one of the top 5 Botanical Gardens in the world. But it’s not just about big trees and beautiful flowers. Kirstenbosch also has an incredible geographic location on the slopes of Table Mountain. Add to that an incredible variety of birdlife – you’ll see species of birds here that you won’t see anywhere else in the world.
This workshop features one of Kirstenbosch’s resident wildlife, the Blue Helmeted Guinea Fowl. A patterned background and colorful African-inspired border complete the picture. Scroll down for the materials list.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Materials needed are:
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Black Sharpie
- Water-base markers and crayons
- White paint to create the dots applied with a q tip or end of a pencil
- 9×12 drawing paper or
- other white paper to color on (print paper)
Gardens. Milkweed and Monarch Butterflies. Wednesday, 11/16/2022 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
This workshop will focus on the relationship between the Monarch butterfly and milkweed. Monarchs depend on this flowering plant to survive because their caterpillars can only feed on milkweed leaves. Milkweed is native to North America, which Monarchs migrate through to complete their life cycle. During this workshop, we will create a drawing of the Monarch butterfly interacting with its host plant and learn a little bit about how we can help this endangered species. Scroll down for the materials list.
- Permanent marker or felt-tipped black marker
- Coloring utensils such as watercolor, markers, crayons, or colored pencils (any combination will work)
- Paper
- Pencil
- Eraser
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona. Wednesday, 11/09/2022 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix Arizona is a 140-acre Botanical Garden that features 50,000 plants and 4379 different species. It is located in Phoenix Arizona. This torn paper collage features a backdrop of Sonoran Desert Mountain Ranges with a few local species: Saguaro, Prickly Pear, and Barrel Cactus silhouetted in the foreground.
ART MATERIALS. This project will require:
- Red, Yellow, Orange, White, Dark Brown/Red, and Black Paper, either construction paper, old magazine, or calendars pages, or paint your own in advance!
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Black Sharpie marker
- Crayon
- Pencil
- Ruler
- The papers were glued to one side of a 9×12 folder, but any thick surface will do.
Longwood Gardens, PA. Wildflower Meadows. Wednesday, 10/26/2022 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Located in Chester County, PA, about an hour outside of Philadelphia, Longwood Gardens showcases more than 9,000 species and varieties of plants spread out across more than 1,000 acres of gardens and elaborate horticultural displays. This celebrated botanical garden attracts visitors from around the globe thanks to outdoor and indoor gardens, fountain shows, and picturesque meadows and woodlands.
This Wednesday we are going to paint (folk art-like) flowers in a vase, inspired by Longwood’s wildflower meadows.
Art materials:
- Paints
- Brushes
- Water containers
- White sturdy paper
- Paper towel
Jardin de Cactus, Guatiza, Canary Islands, Spain
Wednesday, 10/19/2022 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.
Jardin de Cactus, the Cactus Garden, is located at a former quarry for the extraction of volcanic ash and rock once used by prickly pear growers to conserve the ground’s nighttime moisture. The architect and artist César Manrique saw in this location the chance to convert a disused area into an unusual, terraced site where more than 1,400 clearly classified species of cactus are now grown. The site has Manrique’s unmistakable seal and is topped by a windmill, once used for grinding corn.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art Materials:
- White sturdy paper (any size) or letter-size print paper
- Watercolor paints (or crayons)
- Brushes and water container
Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Garden of 10,000 Bridges. Xi’an, China
Wednesday, 10/12/2022 @ 5:30 PM – live Zoom Art Workshop
There is only one entrance to the Garden of 10,000 Bridges, and one exit of the path, which goes through the garden. The narrow path is curling through the garden of bamboo and passes over and under each bridge. The visitor is not able to see at which point of the garden he is at the moment and how much of its way he has finished. In these moments the visitor is limited to himself, maybe to the person in front. Everyone is surrounded by the sounds of the moving bamboo.
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.
Art Materials:
- White sturdy paper (any size)
- Black ink or watercolor paint
- Brushes and water container
Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Scholars’ Green Park, Canada.
You are in the park. Your path is very long, and you would like to go a shorter way. You wouldn’t have a problem with that at Schoolars’ Green Park in Mississauga, Canada. Landscape Architects have designed paths in all possible directions. Let’s have fun designing a similar park. Scroll down for the materials list
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password
Diverse gardens — all united by one thing — each of them is a “living work of art”, which, unlike buildings, paintings and sculptures, is constantly changing and surprising. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults.
Art materials:
— Colored pencils or
— Wax crayons in a variety of colors or pencil
— Light water-based (washable) marker
— Light plain paper (8.5”x11”)
— Ruler
String Gardens by Fedor Van der Valk, Netherlands
Resist Painting
While most people choose to display their plants in pots or vases, Dutch gardener Fedor van der Valk has designed a series of self-supporting, hanging plant containers. A new and inventive way to ‘hang’ plants and flowers is born. String Garden uses 3-D crocheting techniques. The roots are covered in moss and grass. Scroll down for the materials list
GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password
Diverse gardens — all united by one thing — each of them is a “living work of art”, which, unlike buildings, paintings and sculptures, is constantly changing and surprising. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults.
Art materials:
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Hitsujiyama Park, Chichibu, Japan
Resist Painting
Diverse gardens — all united by one thing — each of them is a “living work of art”, which, unlike buildings, paintings and sculptures, is constantly changing and surprising. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults.
Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password
Art materials:
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Bosco Verticale, Milan, Italy
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with a note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults.
Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue online (ZOOM) in 2023.
Diverse gardens — all united by one thing — each of them is a “living work of art”, which, unlike buildings, paintings and sculptures, is constantly changing and surprising.
Art materials:
- Paints (or optional/crayons)
- Sturdy white paper
- Brushes
- Water container
- Newspaper or table covering (recommended)
- Paper towel
Our workshops are designed for younger children, however, they are also addressed to parents and grandparents. No matter the age, gender, race, and family background — everyone can participate. Also, what is a very important part of this art series, children are inspired while working together with older members of family or caregivers and see the importance of art and creativity.
During GARDENS art series, we will discover many diverse gardens as well as other objects of landscape architecture. We will find their original names, dates of creation, and locations. They are united by one thing – each of them is a “living work of art”, which, unlike buildings, paintings and sculptures, is constantly changing and surprising. It sprouts, grows, blooms, ripens, swings in the wind, or bends under raindrops. In dry climates, it dries and in cold climates, it falls asleep under the snow. It creates an absolutely magical world of shapes, smells, and colors – just like the nature that surrounds us. Gardens can have various forms and functions, and how they look and what they are used for depends on the people involved in their design – landscape architects. During our workshops, the project participants will try to enter into their roles. First, studying the existing fanciful and diverse gardens of the world, and later, on the basis of the garden learned, they will create their own projects with various design techniques. To convey their own visions, the participants of the workshops will use painting, drawing, collage and sculpture, and maybe other unusual materials to illustrate their own ideas.
Bay Waves. Drawing
Exploring Our Neighborhoods—Port Chester and Rye Brook Villages. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue (Zoom) through September 2022.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Tuesday, August 30 at 11:00 AM. Sign up in person at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library or by phone (914) 939-6710 ex. 3.
- Materials:
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Scissors
- Glue (or stapler)
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
WHEN: Saturday, August 27, 2022
TIME: 11am–1pm (look at us at Gazebo area)
WHERE: John Lyon Park, 39 Parkway Drive Port Chester, NY 10573
Have fun and work in Fashion World with fashion designers Mialana DeSoleil and Sara Yip from the Nowodworski Foundation. Space and coordination is provided by the Recreation Department of Port Chester Village.
Bay Shore View. Painting
Exploring Our Neighborhoods—Port Chester and Rye Brook Villages. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue (Zoom) through August 30 and will end in Fall 2022.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Tuesday, August 23 at 11:00 AM. Sign up in person at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library or by phone (914) 939-6710 ex. 3.
Scroll down for the supplies list.
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Small cups or plate for color mixing
- Table salt
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Marshes. Painting
Exploring Our Neighborhoods—Port Chester and Rye Brook Villages. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue (Zoom) through August 16, 23, 30 and will end in Fall 2022.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Tuesday, August 9 at 11:00 AM. Sign up in person at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library or by phone (914) 939-6710 ex. 3.
Scroll down for the supplies list.
- Watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Small cups or plate for color mixing
- Table salt
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Our Portraits. Painting
Exploring Our Neighborhoods—Port Chester and Rye Brook Villages. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue (through Zoom) in August 9, 16, 23, 30 and will end in Fall 2022.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop.
Tuesday, July 26 at 11:00 AM
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org . Please write “Neighborhoods” in subject line. We will email you Zoom ID and password.
Scroll down for the supplies list.
- Paints
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Brushes
- Container of water
- Paper towel optional
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Our Trees. Collage
Exploring Our Neighborhoods—Port Chester and Rye Brook Villages. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. The program will continue (through Zoom) in August 9, 16, 23, 30 and will end in Fall 2022.
Free Live Zoom Art Workshop.
Tuesday, July 19 at 11:00 AM
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org . Please write “Neighborhoods” in subject line. We will email you Zoom ID and password.
Scroll down for the supplies list.
- Wax crayons in a variety of colors
- watercolor or water-based paint
- Sturdy light plain paper
- Large brush
- Container of water
- Paper towel (few pieces)
- Scissors and glue
- Small cups or plate for color mixing
- Table salt
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Arts. Never Ending Journey. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, June 22nd at 5:30PM.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
A lot of fun with design, composition, color mixing and much more.
If you do not have paints or crayons use just pencil, or whatever art supply you have (scroll down for the supplies list).
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “The Moon” in subject line. We will email you Zoom ID and password.
Art Materials:
- Sturdy white paper preferred (print paper is acceptable)
- Paints and brushes or
Optional: dry pastels, crayons - newspaper or table covering
Arts. Never Ending Journey. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, June 15th at 5:30PM.
A lot of fun with design, composition, color mixing and much more.
If you do not have paints or crayons use just pencil, or whatever art supply you have (scroll down for supplies list).
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Just the Name” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
Art Materials:
- Sturdy white paper preferred (print paper is acceptable as well)
- Paints and brushes or Crayons
- If you are using paints: Container of water
- If you are using crayons: something to scratch the wax (scissors, plastic knife, etc.)
- Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)
Zentangle-style Fruit Bowl. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, June 8th at 5:30PM.
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Fruit Bowl” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
The workshop features creating shapes, textures, lines, and patterns.
Art Materials:
- Black sharpie
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Crayons/markers
- 8.5” x 11” paper
Zentangle art is non-representational and unplanned so you can focus on each stroke and not worry about the result. There is no up or down to Zentangle art. You can most easily create Zentangle art by rotating your page as you tangle – always keeping your hand in a relaxed position. You don’t need to know what a tangle is going to look like to draw it. You just need to know the steps. The result is a delightful surprise. —zentangle.com
Landscape – Drawing. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, June 1st at 5:30PM.
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Drawing Landscape” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY. Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
Art Materials
- White paper (few pages)
- Pencils (sharpened)
Enchanted Forest and Joy of Unexpected Accidents – a Wash Technique. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, May 25th at 5:30PM
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Stained Glass Design” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY * Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
Art Materials:
- White paper (heavy preferred) any size
- Paints: blue, red, yellow, green, and white
- Brushes: medium, large and very small (or whatever you have)
- Water sprayer or/and sponge/old rug
- Water containers
- Paper towel
- Optional: Board to hold paper and masking tape
* This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
STAINED GLASS DESIGN. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday, May 18th at 5:30PM
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Stained Glass Design” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY * Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
TEXTURE GALAXY. Wednesday, May 11th at 5:30PM
To sign-up for this program email office@sitenf.org with “Texture Galaxy” in subject line. We will email you zoom ID and password.
ARTS. NEVER ENDING JOURNEY * Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Workshops will focus on art elements (line, shape, color, value, texture, and shape) and principles of design (contrast, variety, emphasis, pattern, movement and rhythm, balance, and unity).
Art Materials:
- White paper (heavy preferred)
- Paints (any kind) and brushes
- 2 different-size round shapes, e.g. jar lid (to trace the perfect circles)
- Small spoon
Optional: instead of paints you can use crayons (if you use crayons, you need 2 pieces of paper + something to punch small holes)
* This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
Nowodworski Foundation is proud to be a grantee of
ArtsWestchester with funding made possible by Westchester County government with the support of County Executive George Latimer.
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
Yonkers Community Art in Action – Painting Fall

Celebrate Your Heritage – Port Chester 2020
Thursday 10/8/2020 art workshop: to confirm email pcrbchildrens@wlsmail.org or call the library at 914.939.6710 and press 3.

Thursday 10/1/2020 art workshop: to confirm email pcrbchildrens@wlsmail.org or call the library at 914.939.6710 and press 3.

The Map of Minds, Dreams & Everyday Life
Art workshops in cooperation with Coordinating Council for the Dominicans Living Abroad (Cordigen Dorenex)
Riverfront Library, 1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY 10701
2/18/2020, 2:30 pm–5: 30 pm
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
To sign-up for this program email pcrbchildrens@wlsmail.org
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.

239 Nepperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY 10701
11/23/2019, 12:45PM – 2:00PM
Free art workshops for children & families
FREE Art Workshops for children and parents
Port Chester Day, Lyon Park, Parkway Drive, Port Chester, NY 08/24/2019, 10AM – 1PM
- Printing for small children
- Forests and Parks Mural for older children and adults
- Huge Jenga game “All About the Trees” for older children and adults
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
Port Chester Day art event in Lyon Park is also supported by Recreation Department of Port Chester Village.

Photos (Lyon Park), Kinga Lesniak.

Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library
1 Haseco Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573
To make reservation please call library: (914) 939-6710
Thursday August 1, 2019
11:00 AM – 11:55 AM
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library Volunteers
Photos (Port Chester Library art workshops), Adrian Pina.
This Thursday, August 1st, we will be drawing/painting landscapes with trees using dry or oil pastels. Then we will work in small teams making collages or creating wire sculptures of a tree. At the end: a big happening, huge model of a large tree.
Thursday July 25, 2019
11:00 AM – 11:55 AM
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Thursday July 18, 2019
11:00 AM – 11:55 AM
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
FREE Art Workshops for children with Autism Spectrum, their friends, and families
Tibbets Brook Park, 355 Midland Avenue, Yonkers, NY
07/13/2019, 10:15AM – 1:00PM
SUNRISE SUNSET and Everything in Between – PORT CHESTER 2018
2018 Port Chester Day
When: August 25th, 2018, 11am–3pm
(Rain Date, August 26th)
Click for direction: Lyon Park (Putnam Avenue and King Street)
Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library
Free art workshops for children & adults
Wednesday July 25, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Wednesdays, August 1, 8 & 15, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library
1 Haseco Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573
To make reservation please call library: (914) 939-6710
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.
Wire Sculpture
Free art workshop for children & adults
June 13th, 2018, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Riverfront Public Library
1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 337-1500
Rock Creatures from our Rivers and Ponds
Free art workshop for children
December 3rd, 2017, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Riverfront Public Library
1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 337-1500
WE THE CHILDREN –2017 (Yonkers)
Free art workshop for children
December, 3rd 2017, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Yonkers–Riverfront Public Library
1 Larkin Center, Yonkers, NY 10701
(914) 337-1500
DANCING BRUSHSTROKES (tempera, acrylic paints)
Free art workshops for children
October 7, 14 / 2017, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
November 4, 11, 18 / 2017, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library
1 Haseco Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573
To make reservation please call library: (914) 939-6710
MY PORTRAIT (painting)
November 18, 2017
WE THE CHILDREN (painting)
November 11, 2017
I DANCE (wire sculpture & drawing)
November 4, 2017
October 14, 2017
DANCING (tempera, acrylic paints)
My parents, my grandparents, my friends are dancing
October 7, 2017
FREE Art Workshops for children inspired by Hervé Tullet
Port Chester Day, Lyon Park, Parkway Drive, Port Chester, NY 09/09/2017, 11AM – 4PM
This program is made possible by grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with support from ArtsWestchester, Port Chester – Rye Brook Public Library and Nowodworski Foundation
Exploring the Nature Through Arts
Free Art Workshops For Children (age 6-12)
Saturdays: 11:00AM–12:00PM
October 1, 8, 15, 22
November 12, 19
Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library
1 Haseco Ave., Port Chester, NY 10573
To make reservation please call library: (914) 939-6710
This program is made possible by grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with support from ArtsWestchester and Nowodworski Foundation
BAYSCAPE – Mixed Media (tempera, oil pastel, pencil)
Long Island Thanksgiving Parade (look at the balloons in the air) seen from the Port Chester
November 19, 2016
OCEANSCAPE – Dry pastel
November 19, 2016
Adding color
November 12, 2016

Quick sketches
October 22, 2016
PRINTING TOWN – Mural part I
The kids explored houses, cars, snowstorms, malls, the sun and moon and even the planets today! (Jupiter and Pluto specifically!)
October 15, 2016
Shapes and color mixing
October 8, 2016
Where the Sky Meets the Earth
October 1, 2016
Port Chester Day 2016
Lyon Park, Parkway Drive, Port Chester, NY 10573
Saturday, August 27, 2016, 11am–4pm
Exploring the Nature Through Arts
Series of Free Art Workshops For Children (age 6-12)
WESTCHESTER COUNTY. In a series of art workshops children (age 4-12) will learn how to make different kind of puppets. Puppetry requires encountering and experiencing many art forms, which can enhance the learning experience. It encourages interaction, fosters imagination and facilitates a dialogue. Children can believe and relate to puppets, which are both entertaining and captivating. They discover a way of expressing themselves without the heat being on them, as all eyes and ears are turned on the puppet.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Sock Puppets)
1 Haseco Avenue, Port Chester, NY 10573
Art workshops for children (4 to 12 years old)
Please call library at 914.939.6710 to make reservation
Make yourself some friends!
Saturdays: October 3, 10, 17 and 24
10:45 am – 11:45 am
1 Haseco Avenue, Port Chester, NY 10573
Art workshops for children (4 to 12 years old)
Please call library at 914.939.6710 to make reservation
Lyon Park by King Street in Port Chester.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
12:00 – 5:00 PM
Children will use pre-cut pieces of corrugated cardboard, construction paper, buttons, beads, yarn, wires and many kinds of unusual materials which should sparkle creativity and ideas.
Arts Alive Artist Grants are made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program (DEC), a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by ArtsWestchester.