Pollinators in Action – Wildflowers. Free Live Zoom Art Workshop. Wednesday 4/24/2024 at 5:00 PM


Wednesday, April 24th at 5:00 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to office@sitenf.org with the note  WORKSHOP in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.

“Violets are excellent pollinator plants. They are visited by a wide range of species, including solitary bees, bumblebees, and butterflies. Beyond providing valuable nectar to these pollinators in early spring, violets also act as a larval food source for fritillary butterflies. Similar to the relationship between monarch butterflies and milkweed plants, fritillaries will only lay their eggs on violets. Violets are also host plants for the mining bee Andrena violae, a specialist that only visits violets.” —https://holdenfg.org

Art supplies:

  • Watercolor or water-based paint
  • Sturdy light plain paper
  • Brushes
  • Container of water
  • Paper towel (few pieces)
  • Plate for color mixing
  • Newspaper or table covering (optional but recommended)