Intro to Python

This course is designed for adults and children ages 12-18.  Python is currently one of the most popular programming languages. This course will teach the basics of python and how to build your own projects using it. No prior coding experience required.  Laptop or desktop is required.  Each workshop will be recorded and posted online. Scroll down to watch recordings.

Sundays: 5/16, 5/23, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20
2:00 pm–3:00 pm
Instructor: Liliann Ulysse

Program Overview
Overview of python and its uses
Different data types and operators
Conditional statements

Python Week 1.pdf —  click HERE to open


Python Week 2 – click HERE to open

WEEK @ NOTE: if you need “Week_2.ipynb” and “Week_2_(With_Answers).ipynb” files,  please email us at



Python Week 3

Liliann Ulysse:
Print all the letters of the following sentence:
“The cat jumped over the dog”

Python Week 3– click here to open

WEEK @ NOTE: if you need “Week_3_For_Loops.ipynb” and “ANSWERS_Week_3_For_Loops_.ipynb” files,  please email us at

Python Week 4

Liliann Ulysse:

WEEK @ NOTE from Liliann:
if you need “ANSWERS_Python_Week_4.ipynb“, “Live_Code_Notebook_Week_4.ipynb” and “Python_Week_4.ipynb“,  please email us at


Python Week 5

Liliann Ulysse:


SITE Programs