All posts by KL

July 17 — Summer Camp 2024 — “In the Footsteps of the Polish Arms” — Italy & Poland

Ceremonial summary of the camp and exhibition in the Open-Air Museum / Uroczyste podsumowanie obozu i wystawa w Skansenie

Each participant of the camp received a commemorative diploma, a gift and was knighted as a Nowodworski Knight / Każdy uczestnik obozu otrzymał pamiątkowy dyplom, upominek oraz został pasowany na Rycerza Nowodworskiego

Beautiful artworks of the camp participants / Przepiękne prace uczestników obozu

Mr. Krzysztof and his team prepared a farewell barbecue for us / Pan Krzysztof z zespołem przygotował nam pożegnalnego grilla




July 16 — Summer Camp 2024 — “In the Footsteps of the Polish Arms” — Italy & Poland

Visiting the town Wieliczka – Upper Market Square / Oglądamy  Wieliczkę – Górny Rynek

Wieliczka Upper Market Square – sketching the façade under the supervision of Ms. Jaga Mączka / Wieliczka Górny Rynek – szkicowanie elewacji pod kierunkiem pani Jagi Mączki

Wieliczka Salt Mine – mining route / Kopalnia Soli w Wieliczce – trasa górnicza

First goodbyes / Pierwsze pożegnania

Meeting with Mr. Wiesław – a traveler and mountaineer / Spotkanie z p. Wiesławem – podróżnikiem, alpinistą i taternikiem


July 18, 2024 (11 am–12 pm) — INSPIRED BY NATURE at Port Chester–Rye Brook Library

July 18, 2024 (11 am–12 pm) at Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library

FREE art workshop series  INSPIRED BY NATURE 
Cosponsored and hosted by Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library at 1 Haseco Ave, Port Chester, NY 10573 | call to make reservation 914-939-6710

Also at the end of vacation, on Saturday August 24, 2024 (during Port Chester Day in John Lyon Park) children and their families are invited  by the Port Chester Recreation Dept. and the  Nowodworski Foundation to join painting and printing workshops.

Virtual sessions will be provided by Zoom (starting early fall 2024)



July 15 — Summer Camp 2024 — “In the Footsteps of the Polish Arms” — Italy & Poland

Workshop – postcards / Warsztaty – kartki pocztowe

Sketches in the open-air museum / Szkice w skansenie

Today, the young people tidied up and laid flowers at the obelisk in memory of Anna Riedel – a heroic woman from the Home Army murdered by the Nazis / Dzisiaj młodzież uporządkowała i złożyła kwiaty pod obeliskiem pamięci Anny Riedel – bohaterskiej kobiety z Armii Krajowej zamordowanej przez hitlerowcow

Afternoon recreation / Rekreacja popołudniowa

Campfire / Ognisko


July 13 — Summer Camp 2024 — “In the Footsteps of the Polish Arms” — Italy & Poland

Hiking to Hala Krupowa / Wędrówka na Halę Krupową

The hostel of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society on Hala Krupowa is located in the Babia Góra Range, on the border of the Beskid Żywiecki and Makowski Beskid / Schronisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Turystyczno-Krajoznawczego na Hali Krupowej zlokalizowane jest w Paśmie Babiogórskim, na granicy Beskidu Żywieckiego i Makowskiego


INSPIRED BY NATURE art series in Port Chester–Rye Brook Public Library

The INSPIRED BY NATURE offers an engaging series of art workshops (in-person & virtual) for children, parents, and grandparents. Port Chester–Rye Brook Library will host 3 in-person sessions in July 11, 18 and August 1, 2024 (11 am–12 pm).

Also at the end of August, Saturday August 24, 2024 (during Port Chester Day in John Lyon Park) children and their families will join the Nowodworski Foundation painting and printing workshops.

Virtual sessions will be provided by Zoom (starting early fall 2024)