2023 Port Chester Day — OUT OF HOME — art workshop series
WHEN August 26th, 2023
WHERE John Lyon Park, look for us at the Gazebo area
For the exact location click HERE
Space and coordination are provided by the Recreation Department of Port Chester Village.
We will discover and practice Gyotaku (gee-o-taku): Fish Prints.
Gyotaku was first done as a method of record keeping. As a part of the training of Samurai warriors in Sakai Province, the men were required to record the fish they caught by inking them and pressing the paper to the inked fish. Archives exist with records of fish over 200 years ago.
After falling into disuse, gyotaku has been revived in the past fifty years, both as a record by fishermen and also as an art in itself.
—Jo Miles Schulman
—Jo Miles Schulman