Paper Flowers with Ardina – Wednesday, 01/18/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.

GARDENS. Free Live Zoom Series of art workshops for Children, Tweens, Teens, Families & Adults. Wednesdays at 5:30 PM. To sign up for this program send an email to with the note GARDENS in the subject line. We will email you the ZOOM ID and password.

Paper Flowers with Ardina – Wednesday, 01/18/2023 @ 5:30 PM. Live Zoom.

• Toilet paper
• Stapler or Scotch tape, paper clips, rubber bands)
• Scissors
• Optional: Pastel chalk
The flower can be painted with acrylic paint, magic marker, or a very small amount of watercolor. If you would like to make the flower more permanent, spray it with hair spray a couple of times. This will stiffen the paper and also make it better to paint.